Friday, April 4, 2008

Violin Madness! A New Undertaking

I need a deviation from all of these...junk pile of emails...a bagful of workloads...a long list of reports....Release me!!!

A sudden feeling for something new to challenge me came into my senses! I decided to take violin lessons. Another sudden outbursts from think it was completely a different and new instrument to learn again and quite different from what I used to play. I am really known for this outbursts which sometimes gets me into trouble and my mom would always try to scold me for this attitude. But, they can't make me say "no" to this, I want this and want to pursue this! Being that hard-headed person, they can't really--- unless there's a life changing and threatning situation that would make me quit.

I am not quite sure though how would I fit this into my very demanding and hectic schedule...???hmmm....???nevermind I'll find a way, as along as I satifsy this sudden outbursts of mine. Maybe this will keep me away from the usual office work that I'm always monotonously at. Sort of like deviate from the pains of work!

Since I'm quite determined in this violin madness... I am hoping that I'll be able to play some real music out of it... probably... Apologize (One Republic) ---- (with crime buddy as my first trial audience--my music guinea pig for short!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.