Saturday, July 19, 2008

Poem Scribbling Moments with JMB and SPN @ YM

A simple chat with a good friend started out yet another poem scribbling in my life. It has been quite a while since I have written one for a purpose or rather for something. My good friend had this idea of joining the Metrobank Design Your Own Card Contest which has the theme "most memorable photo". She asked me to pick out pictures which she have photo shared over our YM chat.

A series of pictures came out. Pictures which had our memorable moments together with our other good friends. The trip to Batangas, the Jollibee muchee moments, the Bohol pose, and our Singapore Days which was also our first barkada bonding moments. Laughter and happiness embraced both of us even though were just a YM chat away. However, loneliness still has not escaped both of us. It's an understatement rather! Since it has been quite sometime since we had those long talks about our lives.

This conversation with her made me also realize about things going on in my life at the moment---about our same and never ending workloads, our aspirations and dreams, our goals in life and also how can we escape our own love life (which is a total joke for both of us!)--since neither one of us has caught sight of our special someone! *damn*---life's bitterness. So much for the ED "emotional distress" moments again.

Since we came into an agreement to which photo she would have as the entry. We also need to still have a brief description of "Why should it be our winning entry?". We thought of explaining this in a different way. By poem! Hope this would be our winning statement and photo entry. But nonetheless, this is already a winner for us since it expressed both our feelings and wants during our short chat.

Here it is... Our winning entry! *fingers crossed*...

Pause for a Moment and be Steady in this Race So-called Life!
(Authored by SPN, Inspired by JMB)

We are running too fast in this race the so-called life. We forgot to admire, to reflect and to realize how much lost time. It's time to pause, turn around and appreciate your valuable and one God-given life. To pause is not equal to laziness or lethargy but rather to wait and seize life's treasures and mysteries.

To pause for those precious moments, pause to turn around and see which road we have travelled - the stumbles, the downfalls, the triumphs and the winnings. The wisdom and each life’s lessons and cravings.

To pause for each step we took- for the decisions we made, for life’s choices we have opted and prayed, to each rejection we’ve overcome, and to the times where faith, vigour and exuberance was tested upon.

Too fast in the so-called race of life!

To the steadfast and unfaltering aspirations of our times. Coping up to the needs and demands of our work and labour time. To pause for a moment or two for our own lost and forgotten point in time. To pause is to seek that flickering hope of a better tomorrow beckoned and yearned for.

Learn to wait and not weary, for at the very end of our life’s tunnelled struggles are the fruits of our tranquillity and moment’s pause.

It’s a hurdle! To the so-called race of life.

People and Time are both in a rivalry. A struggle for competition, opulence, and superiority. But what can those things bestow if along the way a lot has vanished and been lost. Lost time, lost moments, lost feelings, lost life, lost friendship and lost people. People we have gravelled on, people we have stepped on, people we have missed out, people we've hurt and blunted out, people we have forgotten and failed to reach out.

Pause is one of life’s essentials. It teaches us to keep on, to share our abundance, to love, to be patient, to cheerful and be happy, to be contented in what we have and receive, to be thankful to the giver of Life, and always be steady in this race of the so-called life!

The entry photo

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